40x40Pole Tent (100 Guests) -
9x10 Marquee Tent (Walkway Entrance) -
20x20 Frame Tent (Dance Floor and DJ/Band) -
Cathedral Window Sidewalls -
20 White Pole Drapes -
13-60″ Round Tables -
2-8ft Banquet Tables -
1- 48" Table with Linen -
100 White Wedding Chairs -
Perimeter Lighting -
12x12 Wooden Dance Floor -
15 Table Linens -
100 Linen Napkins | -
40x60 Pole Tent (150 Guests) -
9x10 Marquee Tent (Walkway Entrance) -
20x20 Frame Tent (Dance Floor and DJ/Band) -
Cathedral Window Sidewalls -
24 White Pole Drapes -
19-60" Round Tables -
4-8ft Banquet Tables -
1- 48" Table with Linen -
150 White Wedding Chairs -
Perimeter Lighting -
15x16 Dance Floor -
23 Table Linens -
150 Linen Napkins | -
40x80 Pole Tent (200 Guests) -
9x10 Marquee Tent (Walkway Entrance) -
20x20 Frame Tent (Dance Floor and DJ Band) -
French Window Sidewalls -
28 White Pole Drapes -
25-60″ Round Tables -
4-8ft Banquet Tables -
1- 48" Table with Linen -
200 White Wedding Chairs -
Perimeter Lighting -
13x16 Dance Floor -
29 Table Linens -
200 Linen Napkins | -
40x100 Pole Tent (300 Guests) -
9x10 Marquee Tent (Walkway Entrance) -
20x20 Frame Tent (Dance Floor and DJ/Band) -
French Window Sidewalls -
32 White Pole Drapes -
38-60" Round Tables -
4-8ft Banquet Tables -
1-Heart Shaped Table with Linen -
300 White Wedding Chairs -
Perimeter Lighting -
16x18 Wooden Dance Floor -
42 Table Napkins -
300 Linen Napkins |